When To See a Lactation Consultant

When To See a Lactation Consultant

Lactation ConsultantBreastfeeding is one of the most natural and beautiful things in the world; however, we know that it isn’t always easy, and it most certainly doesn’t always feel natural. In fact, the first week of breastfeeding can be challenging for most moms, but we don’t want you feeling frustrated the moment breastfeeding poses challenges. Instead, an OBGYN can provide you and your baby with the lactation support you need for successful breastfeeding.
You want to reach out to a lactation consultant if:
You are feeling nervous or worried about breastfeeding
No matter whether this is your first baby or your third, we know that every breastfeeding experience is different and that sometimes you need someone with experience and training to be able to provide you with encouragement, answers, and support. It’s natural to have questions or concerns along the way, but our team of lactation consultants can help support and encourage you every step of the way.
Your baby isn’t gaining weight
While milk supply is certainly a thing that mothers worry about, especially first-time moms, most of the time this isn’t an issue. If your baby is gaining weight then they are getting the milk they need; however, if you notice your baby’s weight staying the same or if your pediatrician mentions that your baby is losing weight, then it’s probably a good time to consult a lactation specialist who can provide you with simple strategies to improve milk supply.
You have multiple babies
If you have twins or triplets, then the thought of breastfeeding may be a bit overwhelming. Even before you give birth, you may benefit from visiting a lactation consultant to discuss ways to properly hold your babies and feed more than one at a time. A lactation consultant can also help you in the very beginning to determine if your milk supply is matching the increased demand.
You’re experiencing pain
Sure, breastfeeding can be a bit odd or tricky, but it should not be painful. If it is, then something is going on that shouldn’t be. So, if you are experiencing painful, sensitive, or even cracked nipples then it’s time to see someone. Putting up with the pain should not be an option, as this can lead to serious problems such as yeast infections and problems with milk supply.
If you’re having pain or difficulty with breastfeeding, you are not alone. An OBGYN can provide you with the lactation counseling and support you need. Talk with your OBGYN today. 

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